A week in Manhattan
Going to Morocco- Part one: Other people’s bucket lists and traveling through Paris
Venice Day 3- Vaporettos and Vivaldi
Venice: Day Two- Visiting Peggy and Mary
Arriving in Venice
Packing list for 3 weeks in Europe: Summer 2022
Preparing for a long distance trip
Read, Listen, and Watch… The December Edition 2021
Read, Listen, and Watch.... The November Edition
travel, entertainment, podcast, great reads, travel tipsTricia HeatonAndy Spade, Ray Bands, Nantucket reds, Brooks Brothers, How I built this, Guy Raz, The Second Life, Veronica Swanson Beard, Veronica Miele Beard, Veronica Beard, Kate Schelter, National Park After Dark, Mandy Matney, Murdaugh Murders Podcast, McCleod's Daughters, ACORN TVs, Clarkson's Farm, Chippy Norton, One Thousand White Women, Jim Fergus, May Dodd, Audible, We were Liars, topsiders, Hillary Kerr, Courtnay Daniels, Instagram, Kindle, Harold In Italy, Berliotz, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra
Tips for Successful Road Trips and Co-Pilot Stitching
Travel Days
Let’s not carry dirty laundry around the world: 20 packing tips for international travel
Midwest Summers
Train Travel Pro Tip: Riding Along the Hudson River
Self confessed packing dork's best laid plans fall through
Island supply clerk - Where is Klinger when I need him?
The "Traveling Stitcher"
River Cruising: What to Pack
Viking River Cruise 101