Mood Board Fun

I was so excited about re-finding the photo on the bottom center. I have always absolutely loved this space. The “Go Confidently” card is a duplicate of one that was given to me twenty years ago while I was getting divorced. My friend Pauline said that it had been given to her during her divorce and to pass it on to another woman in need when I was done. I did just that! And when I saw this at our local bookstore, I bought myself my own copy to keep.

Don’t you just love a beautiful magazine filled with gooey gorgeous photos of stunning homes, luscious recipes, and couture gowns? I tried subscribing to the digital version of my favorite magazines, they are lovely, and it’s great to have a beautiful new issue in a kindle app on a plane or while traveling but the truth is…I want hold the magazine in my hand. I want to tear the pages out, lose them in my house, find them and be thrilled again. Last week I found an article I had torn out of a shelter magazine of a neutral house I LOVED. I had lost it in my belongings years ago. It was a joyful surprise. I am still on the hunt for another house I saw years go, my holy grail of tear sheets to study. Obviously I have an obsession for neutral palettes. The other home I am hunting for belonged to a woman who worked for William Sonoma Home. It was a neutral palette and she had one lovely red thing in her home, a throw blanket maybe? If this rings any bells, do please let me know.

As I continue to unpack from last years many moves….I found one of my many files of torn pages of magazines. To be honest, I am not as interested in fashion so most of my pages are interiors and a few recipes. I was reminded how much I loved these photos and decided to create some bulletin board mood boards for inspiration for my office. A quick purchase from Amazon for two large bulletins and tiny white pins sealed the deal.

Yellow is my color since I moved to Vero. It started with a big lemon pot and seems to keep going.. I was in a yellow phase many years ago in Houston. It’s really a beautiful color if don’t right. I am also and will always be into straw hats for island life. The top left is inspiration for growing ivy on my house. The bottom left is a door similar to my childhood home that I would like to add to our tiny 900 sq foot cottage in Vermont. The Beulah card is from my favorite shop in Beulah, Michigan, it was designed by the lovely owner. I desperately miss overseas travel and look forward to jetting off on a romantic get away with Don. The business card is from my favorite Soufflé restaurant in Paris. My sister-in-law Lucinda introduced it to me, and I have taken Brooke and Puddy there as well.

I did question whether I was too old to be putting funny bulletin boards on the walls or if that alone was even the vibe I wanted in my own home. The answer was yes. I learned a lot about myself in lockdown. In all the cleaning out, organizing, and setting up my home to really work for us during the many months we were home all day and no one ever crossed the threshold…I realized that the only people who really matter, in regards to your home….are your family. What would our homes look like if no one else ever came in them? That is a question I contemplate as of late.

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